Telescope Style seeks, curates and sells elegant, destination-inspired products for home & lifestyle. Items with a direct, unmistakable connection to a country, region, landscape or city. They source from well-travelled, design-led creatives, with a focus on quality, originality and timelessness. Bay Gallery Home is thrilled to be featured by Telescope Style on their latest blog.
Please follow the link below to the complete article.
We're off to Surface Design at the Business Design Centre in Islington today. We have three new wallpapers under development so will be meeting with various collaborators at the show to discuss these and other exciting plans we have. It's always good to see developments in the surfacing world and where our new products might find their place market. Wish list is to work with Kit Kemp of Firmdale Hotels who, among others has worked with A Rum Fellow who we admire greatly.
Below you can see a sneak preview of our 'My Country - Yellow' available soon.
Joycie Pitjara Morton painting, selected on a trip to Australia a year ago, translated into a stunning wallpaper. Joycie will receive money for the sale of each roll her designs appear on.
'My Country' - Blue wallpaper depicting Kangaroo and Pigweed, found all over the Central Desert looking beautiful with chinaware designs by the world renowned artist Murdie Nampijinpa who paints Two Dogs Dreaming. Murdie is one of the elders sometimes known as the "first contact" group who lived a nomadic traditional lifestyle with their families before the "white fella" made contact. This generation performed ceremonies that, in some cases, are no longer performed but the Dreamtime stories are still told so subsequent generations can maintain their language and connection to the land - their Country.
Original artwork by Murdie is available from These paintings were selected on our last visit to the outback. There's a rawness, depth and spirit to them that speaks to you from thousands of years ago.
The artists in the Communities we represent are known for their use of bold use of colour with expansive swathes of it journeying across their canvases. Some like Shorty Jangala Robertson became known as a world class colour field abstractionist were its pioneers Mark Rothko, Barnett Newman and Clyfford Style. Shorty would not have been aware of these artists nor their search for myth, meaning and the infinite expressed through abstraction. Instead he would have drawn on his skin name's Dreamtime stories taking colours from what he saw around him in Australia's Central Desert. With the establishment of art centres he and the other artists accessed many fabulous acrylic paints they utilised to great effect as evidence in the art we sell. The artists continue to experiment with colour and technique producing an exciting body of work. Amongst those is the incredibly talented Steven Jupurrula whose work you can see below.
A good Pantone green making itself onto Aboriginal canvases including those by emerging artist Steven Jupurrula
We recently sold this piece - new works by Steven Jupurrula will be in the Gallery soon.
It's wonderful to have our 'My Country' Aboriginal wallpaper featured in magazines in countries as far flung as Chile. The Aboriginal spirit and aesthetic is something people from all over the world can connect with as it harks back to the very essence of humanity and creation. Add design with origin to your home by ordering from our online shop.
Two of our beautiful Aboriginal paintings featured in the May edition of Period Living.
Please get in touch if you would like advice on Aboriginal paintings to suit the colour scheme and style for any room in your house. As you can see the Aboriginal paintings blend well in contemporary interiors within old Cotswold cottages bringing an ancient culture into your home.