blue painting

Art, NEWS, New Art

More paintings have arrived!

On our website you can see new paintings by some of our many talented artists. They arrived yesterday and we sold one this morning so if you have your heart set on any of the paintings please don’t delay in ordering it.

The pandemic has forced people to reassess their lives in many ways. In the gallery we are finding people wanting to cover their walls in meaningful, exuberant art after staring at them for so long during lock downs across the world. As such we’ve selected artworks which keep you captivated letting your eyes wander aimlessly across the canvas. The new selection is a mixture of bold blues, oranges, greens and reds for those that need an uplift during Zoom calls or afternoons with the children. We’ve also catered for people who need a calming influence after a stressful day with pastel blue, pinks, browns and yellows.

The Aboriginal people have suffered so much but remain incredibly resilient. It serves as an inspiration to us every day to do the best under the circumstances - we’re hoping that the artwork will serve as uplifting inspiration to you too.

Bay Gallery Home, Art, New Art, NEWS, My Country

New Art has arrived!

Athena Nangala Granites, Seven Sisters Dreaming or Star Dreaming - this painting has been sold.

Athena Nangala Granites, Seven Sisters Dreaming or Star Dreaming - this painting has been sold.

Exciting new art is available through our Art pages where you can click on the images for more information including the paintings origin, artist details, size and price. We ship any size anywhere in the world so if you love it buy it and we’ll get it to you safely and quickly.

Since our last photo shoot another shipment of beautiful paintings have been delivered to Bay Gallery Home so visit us to see them before they are uploaded onto our website. Please check our contact details and blog updates for opening hours.

Please email with any queries.