Bay Gallery Home has reopened!
Bay Gallery Home is very excited to welcome people back into our gallery now the lockdown has finally ended for non-essential retail.
This lockdown was harder than previous ones as we barely recovered from the Summer one before being thrust into the next two so it’s with great relief we can reopen giving you the opportunity to see the beautiful paintings we have imported during lockdown in the flesh.
We’ve also used the time we’ve been shut to make more velvet cushions and pouffes. You are going to love them! They feel and look amazing.
Come and feast your eyes on artwork by the oldest continuous race in the world. Indigenous communities across the world were particularly under threat from Covid but as the communities closed, very early on in the pandemic, across Australia they remained safe and in good health. The art centres are cautiously reopening so we’ll have more work arriving over the next couple of months.
Wishing you all the best and look forward to seeing old and new faces in our Tetbury, Cotswolds gallery.