multicolour painting


New Year brings New Aboriginal artwork to Bay Gallery Home

As we enter 2022 we have been busy curating new Aboriginal paintings across a range of emerging and established artists, sizes, and styles from the Central Desert communities we represent.

Among our highlights above are larger works in subdued colour’s for lovers of lighter hues as well as three smaller paintings packing a dynamic punch with their bold colours.

Last week visitors expressed their delight at seeing the paintings “in the flesh” having discovered them online. While photographs of the paintings are beautiful its difficult to capture the texture and depth of the paintings in a photographic format. The many layers of colour applied to each artwork make them very tactile; the irregularities and (sometimes) random flicks of paint assure you that the paintings travelled all the way from the Central Australian desert bearing elements of the artists personality.

Over the course of 2022, Covid permitting, Bay Gallery Home is hoping to exhibit in various art fairs across the country. If you have any near you you’d like us to know about please let us know and we’ll endeavour to explore opportunities to exhibit our gorgeous Aboriginal art works there.

Thank you for continued support of Bay Gallery Home and the artists we represent. Hope to see you in Tetbury soon. All the best for 2022!

Bay Gallery Home, Aboriginal, NEWS

Betty Pula Morton's work shortlisted for $100,000 Hadley's Art Prize


My Country and Bush Medicine painting, by Betty Pula Morton, a finalist in the 2019 Hadley’s Art prize for Australian landscape painting.

Bay Gallery Home has sold many exceptional Betty’s since we started dealing with her art centre. We also chose to translate one of her paintings into wallpaper and fabric.

Betty is an incredibly gifted artist whose work is endlessly fascinating. We wish her all the luck in winning the prize on 19 July 2019!

Please follow the link to see the other finalists and find out more about the Hadley Art Prize.