Tetbury Aboriginal art gallery

Invitation to Hampstead Heath Affordable Art Fair 10-14 May 2023

In just under a month Bay Gallery Home will be exhibiting a curated collection of wonderful Central Desert Aboriginal art at the Hampstead Heath Affordable Art Fair.

This Affordable Art Fair we have our biggest artworks yet! Look out for paintings by the incredible Walter Jangala Brown and Chantelle Nampijinpa Robertson - both clearly inherited their famous relatives talent.

You’ll find us on a larger stand than usual, with more offerings than ever before. There will be a lot of gorgeous smaller works and the metal painted dogs are back. New editions include etchings from Kununurra by celebrated artists Billy Jibilloorn Duncan and Penny Archie. Bay Gallery Home really wants to expose our clients to fresh works reflecting the growth in our artists’ practice and our growth as a gallery.

Please let us know if you want to see anything in particular after taking a look at our website and we’ll make sure it is at the show. We are still busily updating the website as the paintings land from Australia, so keep an eye on it.

Please click the link below for VIP tickets.

If you would like to apply for Access All Area passes we have a limited number to give away. Please email alexandra@baygalleryhome.com for the AAA code.

We look forward to seeing you there. x

2023 begins with New Art from Tennant Creek, Australia

Bay Gallery Home wishes you a Happy New Year! Refreshed after a glorious holiday we have exciting news to share with our friends and clients for 2023. We have embarked on a collaboration with artists from Tennant Creek, Northern Territory, Australia.

Among the artists we have are Ada Pula Beasley and Pammy Foster, both rising stars in the Aboriginal art world. Their impressionist paintings, achieved with careful brush and dot work, are breathtakingly beautiful.

Ada paints her Country, many recent works by Central Desert artists depict the devastating fires, She explains: “After the bushfires, when the rain comes and brings back all the bush flowers and bush medicine back again and make it green, this [is] why I do this painting, reminds me when we go hunting after the bush fire and see just black, then it rains and brings flowers back and the trees and the blue skies, and the snappy gum trees up the hill."

Pammy Foster takes an abstract approach to the depiction of Country. Her work captures the rhythm of the landscape with repeated motifs and engages an exaggerated palette to emphasise seasonal changes in the environment.

These and many other beautiful works from the our desert communities will be available online and at the Spring Battersea Affordable Art Fair 9-12 March. VIP codes for VIP tickets will be shared with you shortly.

Christmas Celebration in Tetbury 2 December 2022

Bay Gallery Home will be hosting a Christmas party in the gallery to coincide with Tetbury town’s Christmas celebrations, including the famous Christmas light switch-on by Oliver star Mark Lester (yes, really).

All this can be enjoyed from the warmth of Bay Gallery Home as we are situated opposite the historic market hall, where the action takes place.

A steady flow of lovely Australian wine is being provided (usually the town crier samples the most because, he claims, he has to keep his throat lubricated for all that shouting he does) We’ll also have mulled wine and a delicious sharing platter beautifully assembled by local caterer Tailor-made.

I hope you also enjoy feasting on our range of unique gifts, which have arrived from Australia in time for Christmas. We have the obligatory socks for men (or women as they’re unisex), fragrant soaps, scented candles, new make up and toiletry bags. For the household with everything you can’t go past a gorgeous Coral Hayes tea towel or one of our amazing upside down umbrellas. These are in addition to the core collection of chinaware, salad servers, journals and our ‘My Country’ interiors collection with the ever popular cushions selling out fast.

And, of course, our paintings.

Party starts at 1730 until later. Please RSVP.


Battersea Art Fair Art Preview 2022 - Stand D8

Bay Gallery Home is bringing Central Desert Aboriginal art to Battersea Art Fair next week 19-23 October. It is our first foray at Battersea following a successful Affordable Art Fair in Hampstead Heath in May.

It’s 50 years since the genesis of the Aboriginal contemporary art movement with the establishment of Papunya Tula Artists being one of the first Aboriginal-owned art centres. Following the men of Papunya’s initiative Aboriginal art centres have sprung up across the desert. Each one is essential for the recording and sharing of Aboriginal culture, allowing it to flourish through an array of creative mediums.

Since then reputation of Aboriginal art has steadily grown, despite many significant challenges, as a legitimate contemporary art form with industry behemoths Sotheby’s including it in ‘Marquee Month’ auctions in New York..

Bay Gallery Home believes Australian Aboriginal artists are the most talented artists in the world with a never ending, dazzling array of artwork never ceasing to take your breath away. We are so excited to share the work of the desert communities we have represented for over 14 years with you at the Battersea Affordable Art Fair.

The Australian National Gallery recently acquired works by two of the artists we represent: Rosie Ngwarraye Ross and Maisie Petyarre Bundey. Both are established artist from famous painting families. Maisie is one of seven famous painting sisters from Utopia batik art movement including Kathleen Petyarre and Ada Bird Petyarre. Rosie’s mother was also among the artists in this early women’s art movement lasting 11 years before they were given canvases and brushes becoming major desert artists. Some of the canvases we are bringing hark back to the Utopian batik movement and are always popular for their delicate, precise brush work.

Bay Gallery Home will also be showcasing paintings by many younger artists who are producing really exciting work including Walter Jangala Brown (son of Ronnie Tjampitjinpa who work is in Steve Martins collection and recently featured on the Financial Times front page), his wife Valerie Napanangka Marshall also painting the Tingari Cycle and the ever popular Shanna Napapankga Williams painting her Seven Sisters Dreaming.

If you would like to make early bird purchases please go to www.baygalleryhome.com