Invitation to Battersea Affordable Art Fair 18-22 October 2023

In October Bay Gallery Home will have our largest ever stand at the Battersea Affordable Art Fair in London with many large form paintings, curated in response to demand. It is due to your support the gallery has been able to grow to the point where we can exhibit these impactful, important paintings in an established market like London.

Among the new are works are paintings by Helen Nungarrayi Reed, Athena Nangala Granites and Chantelle Nampinjinpa Robertson, some of which you can see below. We also have works by Ada Pula Beasley, who recently had a sell-out show in Australia. Don’t miss the chance to own an artwork by the amazing Ada.

We also have four paintings by Steven Jupurrurla Nelson, whose career is reaching stellar heights with his selection for Salon de Refuses, part of the presitigous 2023 Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards (Telstra NATSIAA).

This year we also have bigger on-stand storage and a van on site so if you can’t find something you’re after on the stand, just ask us. We are likely to have something perfect stowed away for you. Or get in touch beforehand with paintings you’d like to see and we’ll have them ready.

For your VIP tickets click on the link below or scan the QR code. Bay Gallery Home looks forward to seeing you at the Battersea Affordable Art Fair! Feel free to pass the link on to friends/family/colleagues you also want to come.

Contact or call 07776 157 066 with painting requests.