Daisy Budburriya Bitting, Bidjin Bidjin etching
25cmx25cm (image only)
editions 5/50 22/50
This print shows traditional country at Goordamanoo - Legune Station at a place called Bidjin Bidjin near a saltwater creek and a freshwater billabong. "We used to walk here to go fishing in the saltwater creek. Once when we were there my brother fell down when he caught a big catfish - Oorloorl. The tide was coming in and we had to help pull him out. We used to catch fish with meat tied onto rope in those days. We didn't have fishing line."
Daisy was born on the 1st of January in 1940 at Legune Station. Daisy grew up on Legune station following the old people in this country and learning from them. They walked everywhere when she was young from station to station to visit family and friends. Daisy worked as a cook at Legune Station. When her father passed away she went to live at Port Keats. Daisy had two sons and one daughter at Port Keats. She also had a job there working in the meatworks. Daisy started painting at Waringarri Arts in 1993. She paints her country from Bullo River and across to Jamunjung country in the Northern Territory. Daisy Passed on the 1st November 2008. She is sadly missed.