Peter Windarrwing Newry, Thoowark etching
25cmx25cm (image only)
editions 22/50 40/50
This is my mother's country past Kildirk area. These hills are called Thoowark. This is the place for spearheads. The stones here are already sharp for the spear.
Peter was born in 1939 at Newry Staon and lived there unl 1989 when he moved to Ivanhoe Staon near Kununurra. He picked coon while he lived around Kununurra and also worked as a builder's labourer while the township of Kununurra was being built. From there he went to live at Jarnem - Police Hole near the Keep River Naonal Park. Peter started painng on a regular basis in 2002. Prior to this Peter had completed only one painng in 1995. Since he began painng regularly he has been included in several exhibions within Australia and overseas and is represented in both public and private ciollecons within Australia. Peter's images convey the strength and vulnerability of indigenous land, culture and tradional ways. When viewing Peter Newry’s works, one gets the disnct impression that this is the outcome of an arst who has confidently refined the essence of visual storytelling. Stripped down to the fundamentals, the understated pared back composions are almost mysterious in their elusive suggeson of power held in check just below the surface. Deeply connected to his pracce at a spiritual level, despite the abstracted gestural nature of the brush-strokes and uneven vulnerability of his dong these composions can never be mistaken for anything but intensely deliberate.This is the work of an arst who is convinced by his own style and representaon of his “history” and one, who has, over the course of me, perfected the juxtaposion of flow and deliberaon. Brush strokes, empty spaces and mark making are considered and bold and at the same me imbued with a deep sensivity. The complexity of Peter’s work is the intriguing fusion of strength and vulnerability. His grand aerial perspecves retelling the “history” of his cultural knowledge are powerful composions held in balance with a hint of frivolity introduced by way of the irregular applicaon and placement of small white dots, lending each work an animated life and energy Sadly, Peter Newry passed away on 26 January 2012. He has at last entered a spiritual realm that has long been the central theme of his final years as an arst. His paintings depicted the subliminal interchange between the seen and the unseen of country. For Peter his works were the true story and history of a land made by the Narrangnarni. He has been a treasured arst at Waringarri Arts and will be greatly missed. We trust that he now rests peacefully with the spirit of his country.